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来源: 浏览量:444 发布时间:2022-01-10





- 负责新工厂招聘及后续日常招聘;

Responsible for the recruitment for new established company and future daily hiring after founding stage

- 招聘渠道开发与管理;

Recruiting channel development and management

- 外国人用工管理;

Foreign employment management

- 新员工试用期管理;

Probation management of new employees

- 新员工培训管理及协助年度培训实施;

Training management for new employees and support annual training plan implementation

- 负责部分行政工作;

Responsible for some admin jobs

- 所负责人事行政工作的数据统计分析;

Responsible for the data statistics and analysis of owned HR and Admin jobs

- 上级交办的其它任务。

Other Tasks assigned by the superior


- 人力资源管理或管理类专业,大专及以上学历

College or higher degree of Human Resource management or related Majors

- 5年以上人事行政工作经验,有新建工厂大量招聘经验者优先

At least 5 years of HR and Admin working experiences, hiring experience for new established company is preferred

- 熟悉国家劳动法律法规, 以及当地的社保福利待遇

Familiar with the PRC Labor Law and local policies and regulations

- 熟练操作office办公软件

Proficient in using office software;

- 良好的沟通及协调能力

Excellent Communication and Coordination

- 具有良好的敬业精神与责任感,工作原则性和保密意识强,良好的团队合作意识

With high responsibility and professional dedication, high sense of confidential, good team worker



